Why Use a Penetrating Bolt Gun for Dispatch?
One of the most common questions we receive is always, "why should I use a bolt gun?"
It's a fair question! There's a variety of methods for dispatch, and different methods that work better for different people. Sometimes people have had trouble with other methods of dispatch, while other times they are taking their first steps into dispatching livestock and are trying to ensure they get started using the most humane, reliable, and safe methods.
Here are some of biggest highlights that we feel that penetrating bolt guns make an excellent choice for dispatch.
Numerous veterinary organizations have studied the use of captive bolt stunners and consistently found them to be both a humane and practical method of dispatching livestock. The use of captive bolt stunners is recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association as a humane dispatch method.
Even though the technical term is “stun”, penetrating captive bolt devices kill animals instantly when properly administered. Sometimes they are confused with non-penetrating bolt stunners, which may require additional steps to achieve lethal results. Penetrating bolts are frequently used by large scale slaughter facilities as a sole method of dispatch. The Arbalest and Ballista each forcefully penetrate the skull with a solid steel bolt, doing damage to the brain comparable to a small caliber bullet, and the results are just as lethal. Much like a fired bullet, placement is the essential component to effectiveness of dispatch. Each bolt stunner comes with a guide for obtaining optimal results, and research has shown that this placement produces consistently lethal and humane results. Even in the event of a misplaced shot, so long as proper protocol has otherwise been followed, a stun will occur and the animal will be rendered insensible and unconscious, after which dispatch can be completed by prompt sticking/bleeding.
Bolt stunners are easy to use and low impact for the user. All that has to be done is pull back on the plunger to set the bolt and then depress the trigger to fire the spring powered bolt mechanism. Minimal hand strength is required to properly operate the Ballista and Arbalest.
Spring power has several advantages in a captive bolt stunner, as they are easier to maintain and clean than cartridge powered devices. They stand alone without extra equipment required for use, cartridge and pneumatic powered devices. This reduces the overall cost of ownership and usage of the Ballista and Arbalest relative to other captive bolt stunning devices.
What Can I Use It On?
Ballista: rated for rabbits up to 11lbs (5kg) and chickens/ducks/turkeys to 35lbs (16kg). Stunning power of 6.7 joules. Not intended for use on geese, ratites (emus), lambs, goats, or piglets.
Citations/Studies Regarding Use of Penetrating Bolt Guns:
https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf : page 35
https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf : page 35